Carlos Reyes is a world-renowned musician whose extraordinary mastery of both the violin and harp has dazzled audiences across the globe. A child prodigy from Paraguay, he made his professional debut at age 10 and has since performed alongside musical legends like Willie Nelson, The Doobie Brothers, and Chuck Mangione. Known for breaking musical barriers, he blends classical, jazz, rock, and Latin styles into a unique and enthralling sound. Whether performing solo or collaborating with global icons, Carlos Reyes continues to inspire and mesmerize with his virtuosity and charismatic stage presence.
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General Ticket Information:
Concessions Update
While the Firehouse Arts Center is not currently offering concessions, we encourage you to take advantage of the many fantastic dining options just steps away in downtown Pleasanton! Whether you're craving a cozy café, a gourmet restaurant, or a lively bar, there's something for everyone. Make it a night out by exploring our vibrant downtown before or after enjoying a show. For a full list of downtown eateries and bars, visit the Pleasanton Downtown Association website at