Based on the beloved Disney animated film, and featuring a jazzy, upbeat score, Disney’s The Aristocats KIDS is a non-stop thrill ride of feline fun, complete with unbelievable twists and turns.
In the heart of Paris, a kind and eccentric millionairess wills her entire estate to Duchess, her high-society cat, and her three little kittens. Laughs and adventure ensue as the greedy, bumbling butler pulls off the ultimate catnap caper. Now it’s up to the rough-and-tumble alley cat, Thomas O’Malley, and his band of swingin’ jazz cats to save the day.
Sunday Cast Performs:
Sunday, May 18 at 11am
Sunday, May 25 at 11am
Wednesday Cast Performs:
Saturday, May 17 at 3pm
Saturday, May 24 at 3pm
Friday Cast Performs:
Sunday, May 18 at 3pm
Sunday, May 25 at 3pm
Saturday Cast Performs:
Saturday, May 17 at 11am
Saturday, May 24 at 11am
General Ticket Information:
Concessions Update
While the Firehouse Arts Center is not currently offering concessions, we encourage you to take advantage of the many fantastic dining options just steps away in downtown Pleasanton! Whether you're craving a cozy café, a gourmet restaurant, or a lively bar, there's something for everyone. Make it a night out by exploring our vibrant downtown before or after enjoying a show. For a full list of downtown eateries and bars, visit the Pleasanton Downtown Association website at